Today was a significant day post surgery as Carsten is now breathing on his own again, praise God! Since surgery on Wednesday, Carsten has had a ventilator or breathing machine to assist with his breathing. They have been pumping him with Morphine and Atavan to basically knock him out so that he would not get agitated and move around with the ventilator in his nose. Despite his breathing machine, Carsten has been going to town on his pacifier. He has been sucking non-stop since Thursday morning. Chad and I are hoping that this is a good sign for his future eating skills:)
This evening, the team came in the room to remove the ventilator with nervous mommy and daddy at the bedside. The nurse told me she would give me the mommy version of what might happen; a) Carsten would start breathing just fine and never look back; b) Carsten would breathe okay for a while but need to be put on the ventilator again if he goes into distress; or c) he would require to be put back on the ventilator immediately. Chad and I waited anxiously in the back of the room while they removed the tube. Carsten was a little stubborn at first and initially refused to breathe. After what seemed like 5 minutes (but really probably 60 seconds) he started to turn blue. The doctor then gave him a dose of something through his IV that would reverse the effects of Morphine. Carsten perked up very quickly with his caffeine shot and finally took a breath!:) Let me tell you he wasn't very happy at first because he had gotten lazy since the machine was breathing for him. Now he is breathing comfortably with a little bit of oxygen assistance through a nasal cannula. Chad and I celebrated by going to Juanita's (mexican)!
It is amazing to see the difference in Carsten's appearance since his surgery. His little hands and feet are now warm instead of ice cold, he is breathing comfortably at 35-55 times a minute instead of 115, and he looks nice and pink instead of pale and clammy. Today was a big day for Carsten on his way to recovery and we are overjoyed!
Mamma Bridges