Thursday, December 3, 2009

So proud of my little man!

I'm so proud of our C-man and amazed daily at the new things he is doing I had to blog about it.  I can remember just before we moved to Atlanta I thought sadly, he's never going to communicate with me.  Well fast forward just a few months and he is finally taking off!  I just know someday the signs will turn into words but for now I'm so thankful for what he is doing.  Just this morning he's already signed eat, car, play, all done, dog, cat, bird, hat, (he loves hat or maybe he just likes hitting me on the head:) shoes, water, fish.  The most recent one we've learned is "car".  I say Carsten, do you want to go in the car and he signs "car"!  I am noticing how he'll initiate the sign when I say the word, I no longer have to sign it for him for some of them.  Just before his nap we read a few books and I can say Carsten where is the "dog" and he'll point to the dog and so on and so on!  I think our next sign is going to be "potty"!!!!  I guess I'll get the potty out for him to get used to and we'll learn the sign and so forth.  I've been teaching him diaper in the last couple of days and I think he'll get that pretty soon then maybe move to potty:)

Oh and the other sign we've been doing lately is "baby".  I'm going to teach him the sign and then go out here in a couple of weeks and buy "Carsten's baby" so he can get used to being gentle with it and the goal is hopefully that will transfer over to the real baby:)  (thanks Emily for the suggestion!)  But I'm actually running out of signs that I know so I need to get out the printouts I have of my sign language and start studying them I guess, I think he's going to continue to use sign for a few years at least before the words come.  Hopefully one day I can use the sign that I've learned as an OT.

Carsten is now going to a mother's day out at this place called The Kids Spot.  It's a little gym with lots of equipment and fun stuff for him to climb on and develop his gross motor while being around other kids.  He LOVES it!  Right now it's just Thursday from 9-12 but I'm thinking about adding Tuesday.  The owners are Christian and they play christian music and always do a craft and he gets two gymnastics classes while he's there.  I dropped him off this morning and he just ran in and jumped into the ball pit, turned around and waved bye bye, I went to the car to get my kleenex!  He's growing up TOO fast!!!

He loves to pull up my shirt and feel on my big belly too, so cute, if he only knew what was really coming:) 

Well that's about all the news I have.  His eating and drinking is steady, I will be so glad the day he can eat independently but I think that is still a ways off though he did drink 4 ounces of water today from a straw!!  Baby steps, baby steps is what I was thinking this morning, the hard work will pay off and one day I believe I will send him off to school with a lunchbox, God is faithful and He will do it (1 Thes 5:24)

As for me, I'm feeling like this seriously can't go on for another 10 weeks!  I've already moved over to Chad's side of the closet for most of my clothes:(  I've gained too much this time I'm afraid (hence why you never see ANY pictures of me on the blog or facebook:) but at least I didn't drink caffeine right, I just chose to reach for the big glass of whole milk instead, yikes!  The sleeping is getting pretty miserable as well and if you know me you know that's not good.  I woke up this morning feeling like I had run a marathon overnight I was so sore everywhere, mainly my hips (thank the good Lord I'm not still on that chair at KKI).  I welcome February 14th for two reasons, finding out the sex and Grande white chocolate mochas from Starbucks! (I'll be needing that when I've been up all night long then have a toddler to take care of during the day)  God definitely has a sense of humor though because I've had two dreams now where once it was a girl and the other a boy, guess He wants to keep me hanging right until the end.

Oh and I did finish Palin's book Going Rouge!  Anyone else out there read it?  I really enjoyed it, especially her testimony and the part about findout out about Trig and everything.  Politics aside, I believe she is a woman after God's heart and He will still use her in the future.  And I just know we're going to have a playdate someday with the two kiddos, maybe when we move to DC next year:) 








Jillian said...

That is so exciting! I wish I could see the little guy again...will y'all be home for Christmas?

RK said...

What a great update! Yay for signs! Signing Time videos are Braska's favorite things, and even though she can talk well now, she still signs with the verbal pretty frequently. Many public libraries have Signing Time if you want to try them out... we can't live without them! :o)

matt, janna, blair & leighton said...

I SOOOO love you, and SO love the updates!! He is TOO big & cute! I am SO PROUD of him too!

OK...Are you excited about this baby coming?? that can be your next blog!
how can we friends afar help you guys?? is there a meal place we could all start connections & delivery? or what restaurants are around you guys?

Unknown said...

Have just gotten on the blog after long delay and am so excited to see and read the updates on Carsten and new baby. Am so proud of your strength,faith and determination in helping Carsten develop. He's so beautiful and looks just like his handsome papa.Kari, don't worry , those extra love handles will come off with 2 babies to chase.

aunt barbara said...

the jim comment is aunt barbara in arkansas using jim's google account.

aunt barbara said...

love and kisses to you all and keeping you in my prayers.