Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Summer surprise trips

Yep! I'm still not sure if it was real or a dream but I think I was in Hawaii for 6 days two weeks ago. We did a summer circle to see Chads family, drop the kids off at my folks and headed out to Hawaii for a few days. Chad trip was half work and mine was ALL leisure! I still really can't believe I got to go and I think for the first time I understood the word "vacation" and took it literally by relaxing and rejuvenating. The trip was almost as unforgettable as Carstens face as he ran towards us at the airport after that week, it was priceless and we didn't even get it on camera:(. More pics to come of our trip there and to Dallas to see Chads family and Cmans first day of school yesterday! We were gone nearly three weeks so I'm still getting caught up and back into a routine. Hopefully I can get back into blogging soon with updates on Carsten and Chloe. Stay tuned....

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