Friday, February 19, 2010

Pictures with Dr. Broadney

Just got back from my follow up OB appt.  I absolutely LOVED my OB, she was so sweet to us the whole time I was excited to bring Chloe in for her to get a quick snug!  She was so encouraging to me the whole time and always made me feel at ease.  Oh and a couple other cute pics of Chloe in her pink and brown, I never thought I was the girly type and have always worried about having a girl but I think I'm going to get used to this dressing up stuff really quickly!  (I've had her in two to three outfits a day just for the fun of it)!  This one was from her Nana. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Meeting my sister for the first time!

 Chloe and Carsten
 Here are some pics of Carsten in his big brother t-shirt meeting his new sister!!  When he saw me coming down from the elevator in the wheelchair with Chloe in my arms his mouth dropped open, his eyes rolled back, and his head started to droop:)  He definitely knew "someting was not quite right" and that his world would forever be changed.  After he warmed up a little to her we got him to sneak in a few kisses on her forehead, now he wants to look at her in her crib constantly, points at her, and will give her kisses (only if you tell him too:)   

As for me and Chloe, we are spending time bonding and learning the "art of breastfeeding" (more like bootcamp training than art) while my mom helps take care of Carsten.  I am learning a whole new vocabulary of words such as "latching on" "let-downs" "football hold" and "cluster feeding" :)  It has been a challenge for me so far but I'm determined not to give up without prayer and a good fight.  We are so blessed to have both Carsten and Chloe and we can't wait to watch them grow and blossom together.  The Father has blessed us beyond measure and are hearts are so full even though our eyes are tired.  More later but first back to learning my new "art" ;)


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chloe Abigail is here!!!!

Introducing Chloe Abigail Bridges
February 11, 2010
20 inches

Chloe Abigail has arrived safe and sound, praise God!!!  Thursday was quite a day to say the least all starting about 4:30 in the morning.  Our c- section was scheduled for 8:00am and we went into the OR at 9:00.  Chloe Abigail arrived at 9:49 am.  I have been busy ever since recovering and learning how to care for a newborn again.  Chad is enjoying having a daddy's little girl.  This has been a whole new experience for us to say the least and quite different from last time.  We are overwhelmed with thankfulness for God's grace and his beautiful gift.  We arrived home today and Carsten got to meet his little sister just a few hours ago.  More blogs to come about the birth story and Carsten meeting his new sibling but just a few sneak peaks of our little angel!     

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

24 Hour countdown!!!!

I thought I would get one more blog in before the big day tomorrow! Our C section is scheduled for 8:00 tomorrow morning. Between my anxiety and the constant contractions thinking the baby is coming sooner I haven't been able to sleep very late in the mornings but I am getting pretty good rest still at night so I'm thankful. At my OB appointment last week I was 3cm and having contractions 10 minutes apart and they have been coming and going ever since. Needless to say I told my mom to get on a plane and then of course we've just been staring at each other ever since:) But I'm glad she's here and don't have to worry now about who will watch Carsten. I have one more appointment today so we'll see what she says, I was wanting to try a VBAC but I think we're going to go ahead with the section tomorrow if nothing happens today or tonight. We are very excited and can't wait to see baby!!!! We appreciate your prayers and will update as soon as we can. We have an email list together so I'm sure if you're a reader here you're on the list. Love to you all and soon to be family of four!

The Bridges
Psalm 139