I thought I would get one more blog in before the big day tomorrow! Our C section is scheduled for 8:00 tomorrow morning. Between my anxiety and the constant contractions thinking the baby is coming sooner I haven't been able to sleep very late in the mornings but I am getting pretty good rest still at night so I'm thankful. At my OB appointment last week I was 3cm and having contractions 10 minutes apart and they have been coming and going ever since. Needless to say I told my mom to get on a plane and then of course we've just been staring at each other ever since:) But I'm glad she's here and don't have to worry now about who will watch Carsten. I have one more appointment today so we'll see what she says, I was wanting to try a VBAC but I think we're going to go ahead with the section tomorrow if nothing happens today or tonight. We are very excited and can't wait to see baby!!!! We appreciate your prayers and will update as soon as we can. We have an email list together so I'm sure if you're a reader here you're on the list. Love to you all and soon to be family of four!
The Bridges
Psalm 139
I can't believe it's time! I'm so excited...can't wait to hear the news!
Yes undoubtedly, in some moments I can say that I acquiesce in with you, but you may be in the light of other options.
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