Monday, July 28, 2008


Quick update... Carsten pulled up to standing Sunday morning at the side of the tub. Chad and I were in the bathroom with him and we turned around and there he was standing at the side of the tub! Yeah, go Carsten!!!

On another note, I am a little bummed as I found out last week that Carsten will only get 1 hour of therapy here a week! 1 hour! That's crazy, he got 7 hours total a week in Little Rock. I think this momma is going to have to kick it in gear and drive back and forth to Kansas City to get her little boy some more therapy.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Here we are!!!

We're here in Fort Leavenworth finally!! Let me tell you, it is a WHOLE new world to me! We got here on Monday morning because Chad's friend sent a text and said "come on up you can get your place", of course that didn't happen until Tuesday. But our new address is now 7 Stilwell Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027

Just getting on the post is like going through a major security check. You have to stop get out of your car and open all the doors! Now we don't have to since we have decals on our cars, but just a warning for all who visit. The first day we got here we met about 3 or 4 couples next door. There are 4 Kari's on this street! Its crazy because we got in a neighborhood where most families have at least 5 children!! We are very blessed to have such a spacy place, still nothing like Little Rock though:( It was built in the 1930's!

Every couple of nights people get together to just cook out and families are constantly outside talking and hanging out, children are outside running around all day! Most of these families are on their 8th or 9th post! Wow, they move every couple of years, I can't even imagine. We also found out that this post is like the center of the evangelical army! The service on post is supposed to be great so we are going to check it out this Sunday. They have a TON going on, things for spouses, activities, we even qualify for respite care with Carsten. That means we will qualify for up to 40 hours a month for free child care! What a blessing!

As you can see, I'm super excited about this year and looking forward to meeting lots of people and doing lots of new things. I even want to learn how to shoot skeet.

Chad is very excited about his school and he start not this week but next. Maybe we can fit in a little family fun before then:) So if any of you come to Kansas City please come and stay with us, we've got our guest room ready!

We miss everyone in Little Rock! I will try to update the blog a couple times a week. Oh, last night Carsten was standing in his car seat at Chili's and leaning on the table, he's been ALL smiles and has taken to the transition very well! I think its going to be neat for him to be around all these children this year and learn how to interact:)

All for now,
Momma Bridges

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Goodbyes and new adventures

Well, we're in Northwest Arkansas getting ready to leave in the morning for Kansas. I feel a little sad today and I'm not sure why, probably just not knowing what to expect, plus, moving always gives you a funny feeling, maybe its nervousness?

Anyway, yesterday on the way here we stopped in Clarksville and spent some time with a family that has a son Jonathan with Down Syndrome. Jonathan is 22. They are believers and always so encouraging to us. We had a great lunch and got to just hang out together. Jonathan is amazing! He is so witty and funny. He just graduated from high school last year, Chad and I can only hope that Carsten is anything like Jonathan. We were able to see him in church one time and he was on the front row worshiping like you've never seen!

Well, I just wanted to say bye Little Rock and we love you! I have a feeling we will be back one day:) I'll get some pics of the post when we get there and settled.

The Bridges

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Birthday Boy!!!


Carsten's party was a hit! I think he knew he was the center of attention and he was loving it! Thanks everyone for coming and making it so special!

Enjoy the pics.
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Thursday, July 10, 2008


I did it! Carsten's cake is finally done. I think it turned out pretty cute:) The dark part is purple, not black. I was supposed to do the wheels on the firetruck black but I was POOOPED out by that point so they ended up purple. This cake was much less stressful because I made the cake ahead of time and today all I did was ice and decorate, only took me almost 5 hours! I don't know if the time involved in this cake business ever pays off! Its still fun though and exciting when you get to look at your finished product:)

Happy Early Birthday Carsten!
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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hopefully Carsten's Cake!

Okay so this is the cake I am attempting for Carsten's birthday on Friday!
We'll see how it turns out. There's a lot of colors so that could be time consuming. I made the sheet cake last night and I'm not sure if its going to work. I used self-rising flour instead of all-purpose or cake flour and I don't think the cake rose like it should have and it might not taste the same. So, I'm going to make another one today with the RIGHT flour and see how it turns out. I'm learning a lot about baking and more from my mistakes than from doing it right:)

I hope Carsten likes it, I have a feeling he will no matter what!:) We accepted an offer on our house! We are EXTREMELY excited and are still waiting for the inspection and appraisal but the papers have been officially signed! God has been so Good to provide a buyer for us:)

My friend Jana, her husband, and little Allyson their daughter are coming tonight for Allyson's heart surgery on Friday. Please keep them in your prayers. Pray that she would get out of ICU quickly before we have to leave and not have a place for them to stay. The movers are coming on Monday. I'm trying to just take one day at a time and not get anxious about the move. Its going to come soon enough. Right now I want to enjoy Chad's going away ceremony and Carsten's birthday party. We can't wait to see everyone!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The 4th

Here are some pictures from our holiday weekend. Probably the most unique part was a helicopter landed in the yard where we spend the 4th! The picture of the mule is what my family had to ride on to get down to the boat dock since the water was so high!

Carsten seems to be doing better since we got home, but he was pretty fussy all weekend so that part took some of the fun out of it:( His eating also seems to have gone downhill with this recent sickness (whatever he has) so please pray that he would start eating better again.

We are looking forward to getting to our new place in Kansas, however, sad to say our goodbyes very soon!


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Taking the mule to the boat dock

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Carsten and Dad watching Lost together

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cake comments and Carsten

Okay guys, I know ANY minute now I'm going to get a TON of comments on how CUTE the cake was I made!! Really, trust me, you're going to be BEGGING me to make your wedding cake here in a few years!:) On a more serious note, please pray for Carsten, he's been running a fever for the last couple of days and tonight it was 101.5. I just get worried cause its hard to know whether is a cold, G-tube infection, UTI, etc.. I'm just giving him tylenol and will wait to see if it spikes any more before I take him in. I might take him in tomorrow just to be on the safe side. He's never been sick before since the hospital so this is new territory for me:(