Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well we heard from Carsten's pediatrician last night and the doctors at the Down Syndrome clinic don't advise him to do anything like gymnastics until he has his neck scan at 3. I was pretty bummed last night and I actually told the pediatrician that I thought it was dumb! She knew I was upset and called back when I was gone and talked to Chad. I just think this is ridiculous. All they do is sit around and sing and crawl over little mats and stuff. It's also the first thing that someone has said Carsten CAN'T do! I'm not going to let many people tell me that he can't do something but in this case I'm helpless without a doctor's o.k. I went to my spin class last night and spinned my anger off but I'm still a little sad. I just thought it would be more fun than a usual play group, I guess we'll have to resort to that though because I want Carsten to have the socialization. I don't think he's going to have the neck problem because I just know he's going to be a great athlete:) Right now I'm convinced he's going to like basketball because he LOVES rolling and throwing the ball back and forth. So anyway, that's my bummer gymnastics update. Hopefully we'll win the next battle that comes our way.

Happy Thursday!

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