Friday, January 25, 2008

Free Day!!

Well, this is Momma Bridges writing from my empty nest. Yes, Carsten has gone to stay with his Nana (Chad's mom) this weekend. We dropped him off last night and I got home and didn't know what to do with myself. There were no bottles, syringes, or tubes to clean, no putting him to bed or setting the alarm to get back up at 1230 and 330!! Yipppee! It has been nice but I do miss him more this time than I thought I would. I think I'm getting more attached as he grows. I did swim this morning and then I tried to go get my OT license renewed but I couldn't get a mile down the road for all the traffic of these crazy Arkansas snow drivers! So, I'm back home now, have talked on the phone and I decided to blog a bit before Chad gets here.

God has been amazing this week! I have seen him work in so many ways both to encourage me and encourage others. I started going to a bible study called Stepping Up by Beth Moore. Its all about the Psalms of Ascent and the Jewish pilgrimage to the temple. It takes their journey and relates it to our journey towards God in our emotions, behaviors, and worship. I've also been in Revelation 4 last night, pretty neat how it describes the Throne of God and the 24 elders around the throne with the four living creatures around Him also. Did you know the living creatures have eyes all on their bodies even under their wings! What a sight to see, the creatures fall down to worship and then the 24 elders lay their crowns and they all cry worthy is the Lord, to receive glory and honor and power!

I'm writing too much now but it is pretty fascinating! Chad is home early, yeah! More on this later.. Update, please continue to pray for Carsten's feeding and reflux. His reflux is slightly better but it comes and goes. His is still not eating anything however we are trying rice cereal with a spoon. So far he just tastes it and babbles spitting it out of his mouth:) We will keep trying and not give up!

Momma Bridges

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