Monday, October 26, 2009

Day four of quarantine

So we're going on day 4 now of being quarantined here in our room and I just found out this morning it could be many more days:( People always say that the last part of the marathon is the hardest part, well I can completely relate to that now. These last two weeks are proving to be the ultimate test to our experience here at KKI. The deal is that Carsten tested positive for regular influenza A. The H1N1 I guess is still pending. So, they started him on Tamiflu last night (after having symptoms since Friday!) and told me this morning that he has to complete his round of tamiflu which will be five days and then get another culture which takes another 3-5 days to come back before we can leave our room! Which means that we could potentially be in here until we leave next Wednesday. Seriously we're starting to feel a little like Tom Hanks and Wilson and we're not even half way done.

So here we sit. Since I'm sick too they informed me this morning (after probably being contagious since last Friday) that I'm really not supposed to be out and around the other patients, well what's a mom to do. They called Ronald McDonald house and they won't take me sick either even if my mom came out. I guess just ship me off to Mars or something, they are acting like we have the stinking plague talking at least 5 feet away, masks, etc etc.. and we don't even know if it's H1N1 like it would really make a difference.

Anyway, please pray for our sanity. Despite the setbacks, Carsten is eating like a champ and his drinking is really coming along too. He's drinking two ounces a meal before his food which equals 6 ounces a day. His weight was even up today which is amazing so we still have the potential to be off the tube except for water by next week, another reason to endure this horrible situation and not go AMA running the car and driving back to Atlanta tonight (which I'm really tempted to do).

So the worst is it could be up to 8 more days in this room with a 2 year old that knows how to open door handles, hates being cooped up, is opening all my drawers and throwing clothes out every chance he gets, and going in the bathroom and pulling the emergency light on every 5 seconds, really, how bad can it be? Oh and did I mention I'm 24 weeks pregnant:)

I fed him for the first time at lunch, looks like I'll take it from here out except the drinks, I haven't done those yet. I should also get a lesson on how to puree everything in the kitchen too. You should be hearing a lot from me in the next 8 days, what else do I have to do but blog to you my wonderful blogger friends:)

Congested and claustrophobic,
Kari, Carsten, and baby bridges


Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

still praying for y'all. praying it is not h1n1. check out my blog. i have a recent post about making baby food (acorn squash puree). i homemade all of alex's and plan to make all of david's. a book that i totally recommend in how to puree almost anything is "Mommy Made and Daddy Too." i also researched some online about it. let me know if you have any q's.

Naomi your neighbor in GA said...

Oh hon, Im so sorry your going through all that...I got your voicemail on my cell this AM but Im so sick today headache,nausea..bah! I just pray its the same ol same for me and not the comings on of the flu which in the mid 70's for weight I cant endure and I certainly dont wanna get my lil guy sick..but its been rough here too w/my battle over disease..but nothing compared to you right now gesh isolation yuck Im sorry they are treating y'all like you have the plauge..flu has been around since humans treat y'all like you have to be stuffed in a room and set aside from pubic is absurd...for as long as they have..PRAYING HARD that cultures come back clean and y'all can be HOME in your OWN beds again and cant wait to see ya again w/a baby bump now : ) missin ya here in Walden...
Well I will try to call tommrow lord willing tommrow is a better day for us ALL!
Love you and hang in are superwoman w/all you have endured this KKI program a mom to a toddler and pregnant..hats off to you as you are truley amazing!