Wow! Three posts in one afternoon! This is what happens when you take your kids to a splash water park in the morning and (secretly) wear them out, ha ha mommies are so tricky :) Quick update on Carsten's eating. His new feeding therapist is absolutely wonderful!! She is actually trying to feed him verses past therapists that never get much beyond the chewy tubes. Last Monday he ate about 2 tablespoons of peanut butter on crackers. He is eating blueberries at home now with a little help getting them to the side to chew them. He is eating cheeto puffs on his own pretty much! This is BIG ya'll and God has brought us so far! Even though we still have so far to go there is hope and we are encouraged with the progress. He is now drinking all of his milk through a straw (with a little encouragement) and I no longer have to manually give him drinks. He is still on pureed food which I have to blend daily and feed him but I am just recently adding a "snack" to his meals like 15 blueberries or 2 pieces of graham crackers. I think once the skills come the challenge is going to be programming him to actually like and/or want food. I believe he knows now when his body needs water and will drink quite a bit throughout the day, but the food part will be harder. So, big big progress and much to be excited about but also a journey ahead of us. I have to look at it like a marathon, it is long and sometimes slow but we WILL get to the finish line! I often tear up thinking about the day that Carsten can finally eat on his own and how amazing it will be to look back and see God's faithfulness and I pray I will NEVER take for granted the simple things such as going through a drive through or flying on an airplane, or going to the beach and being able to just throw him a banana, I believe it will come to pass!
Please keep praying for our little guy as the Lord brings him to mind, he is a miracle in the making!
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