Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Everyone, please watch CBS tonight!! They are doing a special with Katie Couric on the prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome, good timing with Palin's emergence on the scene.

I don't know what time it will be, (I think 5:30) you will have to check with your local network, it's on CBS and will include an interview with Kansas City's Down Syndrome director Amy Allison. I met her a few weeks ago in Kansas City. I hope everyone gets a chance to watch! This subject is close to my heart since Carsten was prenatally diagnosed and there are so many new tests coming out to determine Down Syndrome earlier and abort. I hope many's views are changed through this segment.

Also watch governor Palin speak after the special, exciting!

Please pray for my patience this morning. Carsten is vomiting like crazy, I'm definitely not a heartbeat away from the presidency but I AM about a heartbeat away from calling and scheduling that nissen surgery!

1 comment:

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Amy Allison is awesome! :) Thanks for the heads up! I will DVR it. Praying for Carsten! (Did I ever tell you that we almost named Keeghan "Karsten"?) :)