So this is our move update thus far. Over Christmas we found out that we would be going to San Antonio in June. Got all excited, broke the news to the fam, happy joy, fun in the sun, riverwalk, San Antonio. Okay great, got used to the idea and getting more and more excited. Then, phone call from one of Chad's peeps, uh actually that is the right position but the WRONG PLACE! Ahhhh, what?!!! Okay, so where is the place, well, the right place is Atlanta! Oh, okay, we can do Atlanta, good weather, nice city, lots to do, good southern people:) So now, here I am getting my heart set on Atlanta. Such is the life of a military spouse. One day it's Fairbanks Alaska and the next it's California, then no, really you're husband will be deployed to Afghanistan. So, I'm learning to keep our plans held at a generous distance from my heart just in case we get the phone call that completely changes things. You can't get too used to the idea of one place, even then, you will have to move from there in 2-3 years anyway. So, I'm letting go of the "idea" of home as one of my friend's next door has a plaque on their wall that says, "Home is where the Army takes you." To me, it's exciting, I like the drama, I like the not knowing and the possibility in it all and the adventure! I know as we get older, however, it will get harder with Carsten. It's going to be hard enough for him to make new friends at one place, much less 5 or more places! But for now I will rest in the fact that it's Atlanta. I've even already made a friend there that's a military spouse, I now just have to convince Chad to live next door to them:)
If I could only be as content in Chad's new position as I am with the location! Currently, he will be working to train weapons of mass destruction civil support teams all over the country. The teams are first responders to chemical and biological attacks. Excuse me! Will you have to go, will you have to wear all that space garb, will you be exposed to RADIATION??!!! You can just imagine my 21 questions each night as he gets more excited about it:) I just hope he enjoys it and possibly discovers a specialty he really likes. Cause I mean, come on, like when do you think we would ACTUALLY be attacked on US soil with that sort of weapon, uh, well, actually Chad read where its projected to happen in the next three to five years, GREAT!! See, this is my life!
1 comment:
We're only 4.25 hours from ATL! There's a bunch of places we can take the 6 flags. While the kids have a good time You, me, C and Z can have fun doing other stuff. I will try to keep up so that we can welcome you here.
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