I think Carsten is FINALLY over his big D episode. I'm not completely sure so I don't want to speak too soon but it's looking better!! I had called the GI department yesterday and they told me to run his feeding tube 24 hours a day on a slower speed, there's no way I was going to do that. I just don't think he could handle being hooked up to it all day long, he'd be pulling at it and it would be a nightmare for sure. I feel so bad for families that have to use theirs all day long. I guess it's worth it though if it stops the reflux. Reflux is quite possibly the worst thing in the world.
It's going to be around 70 here today so Carsten and I are going to get outside, I'm so excited! Makes me more anxious for Atlanta. Yesterday Carsten drank some of his Elecare from the straw!! He's really catching on to it!! If I can just get him to drink even 4-6 ounces a day I can start weaning from the tube bit by bit:) I think I'm going to have to do this myself, I haven't got a lot of direction so far on how to do it but I know he's getting closer! We just have to work on solid food now, that's the trouble. But he's eating in his high chair and doesn't have to be in front of the tv anymore, that's huge!
I'm glad I can bring you all a positive blog today:) I'm feeling very positive myself and actually quite chirpy:) I wrote a note on Sarah Palin's wall on facebook this morning, that was fun. I just know she's going to read it and give me a call to help her with her 2012 campaign:) If our country even has another free election! ha. j/k (let's hope)
Okay, have a great Thursday, I know we will!
Momma Bridges
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