Poor C-man has gotten his first ear infection. We went to the ER last night around 1000. He has been getting increasingly stopped up with tons of drainage, a fever, and the last two nights he has not been able to sleep at all since he can't breathe. Yes, that means we didn't get any sleep either! We decided to take him to the ER and the doc thinks it is probably an ear infection so he put him on antibiotics, poor guy! He just can't breathe at all through his nose, I'm constantly wiping snot all day long and he has a fever. I think the antibiotic will help, he crashed just a little while ago and hopefully will catch up on some much needed sleep. Pray that he feels better soon whatever it is because he really needs to have his yearly shots, we're behind, we have a marriage retreat this weekend, and he needs to get his surgery scheduled for his adenoids and tonsils.
It seems like its one darn thing after another. We finally get his vomiting under control with this new tube and he goes and gets sicks on us! The tube is working well though and he has had very little vomit over the past week! Thanks for your prayers.
Momma (Nurse) Bridges:)
Hang in there, praying for you guys and little Carsten.
Don't forget that Ivan had to have sinus surgery after the tonsils and adenoids - he had a constant runny nose and trouble breathing out of his nose as well! Make them do a sinus x-ray ASAP to see if his sinus' are impacted. Ivan's were. xoxo Stephanie
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