Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How much can one take in a day!

Yesterday will probably go down as one of the Bridges Bunch "best days". So we got a call from KKI that said Carsten was recommended for the inpatient program! What a blessing, now we get to go and I can stay with him in the hospital and not have to worry about a place to stay! Then, we found out that an offer was accepted on a house that we decided to go for. Ultimately, we decided that renting wasn't the best decision for us and it was a deal we couldn't turn down. Then Carsten does FANTASTIC in feeding therapy, he was eating pieces of graham crackers without gagging at all and drinking from a regular straw! I mean, really the only way the day could have been any better was if Carsten ate a cheeseburger and fries! So, we're excited and trying not to be anxious about all the details. Just spoke with KKI and they think Carsten will get in somewhere around late May (yes, that's right, 2 weeks before our move June 13th!) So, it looks like momma and baby Bridges will be spending their summer in Baltimore. Hey, if we come home to Atlanta eating, all the better!

The house we're buying is an older ranch, red brick, with a HUGE fenced in backyard for Carsten to play, and a bonus playroom, I can't wait! The only negative is that I told Chad if we bought it I would mow it, (being as spoiled as I am, I've never mowed in my life) so THAT should be interesting! Maybe we can get a riding lawnmower and Carsten can ride around with me:)

So the Lord was good to us yesterday and we are THANKFUL! But even if all that stuff didn't happen, something Carsten has taught me is that the Lord is STILL good even if good things don't always happen. God is good all the time, even if it isn't "good" all the time:) Yesterday just happened to be one of those "good" days and we'll take it!

Momma Bridges

1 comment:

The Hayes' said...

Kari, Ally's had the EGD and then they kept the probe in for 24 hours to check for reflux. She hated every minute of it, but as Carsten will be asleep, he will be fine and won't even know it happened. i send patients out for the all the time. We will pray for you. By the way, we finally got Ally's results for her probe. It showed that she was refluxing.....duh! I could have saved us boucous pain, crying, and money! Also, Ally has been eating for the last month or so without gagging and vomiting. She is starting to gain a lot of weight too. It will come for Carsten too. Just remember, Isaiah 49:16 says "See, I have engraved you on the palm of my hand." HE looks a Carsten's name everyday and holds it close to Him. Carsten will be fine and all will work out for KKI.