Monday, September 7, 2009

Atlanta NASCAR race

Okay Ladies, take a nice close look at the hot guy in the middle of the picture. Look closer, yep, believe it or not it's Tom Cruise!! My darling husband was inches away from the heartthrob of the century last night at the Atlanta Motor Speedway while I was home eating takeout pizza and changing poop diapers!!! Now if that is not WRONG, I don't know what is!!

I wasn't really jealous about Dale Earnheart, Jeff Gordon, or any of those other people he got to see while he was watching the race from the PIT! But this just draws the line!!! Bitterness aside, Tom is pretty hot in person don't you think? Chad is calling him by a first name basis now, I guess he feels that being a foot away from him for 5 seconds qualifies:)! I would post more pics from last night but seriously what else do you need to see:)

Now take a look, this is the real hottie right here. I think he beats Tom Cruise anyday:) I'm so glad you had fun last night babe!

1 comment:

Jordan said...

I was at the NASCAR race!! I need your number!