Sunday, September 27, 2009

KKI update

Today is the last day of our second week here at KKI.  They have increased his oral feeds to 5 1/2 ounces of pureed food a meal.  We are starting to notice an increase in vomiting since yesterday, he threw up at lunch and just now this morning.  It is very upsetting for me to watch and I feel so helpless to do anything.  There are so many variables and factors as to why he could be voming which is frustrating.  Please pray for the little guy that he would continue to tolerate volume increases and they could figure out why he's vomiting.  They made his first tube cut (giving him less formula through the tube) two days ago (which I was very excited about) but I know when he vomits he's got to be hungry during the day with no formula in his stomach so it's hard as a mommy to watch.  I'm trying to stay as positive as a can and I knew that when we came here we would have days like this but I'm a little down today, trying to stay hopeful, we still have 6 weeks to go so a lot of time for improvement and progress. 

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